How to Care for your Hair Extensions
Whether you have short hair, medium hair or long hair; hair extensions are a great way to add both length and volume to your mane. What with heat styling, blow drying, up-doing, detangling and all that goes with keeping your hair looking perfect, our trusty clip-in hair extensions can go through an awful lot on a weekly basis. All that wear and tear can leave our hair extensions looking rather drab eventually. So, to make sure our hair extensions stay in immaculate condition, we like to follow these simple rules on how to care for our clip-in hair extensions.:
1. Weft Placement
Making sure you apply hair extensions correctly can ensure your extensions remain hidden and you achieve full volume in all the right places. I'm sure we've all seen those photos of a shockingly bad application of extensions or heard the horror stories of a weft falling out mid date! Well, follow Lauren's tutorial below and you can avoid a hair disaster and ensure you don't put your own hair under undue pressure.
2. Brushing your extensions

Keeping your hair in top condition is essential when you are using hair extensions. A good extension-friendly hairbrush will not only save your locks from unnecessary breakage and needing more frequent replacements, but it will also help to keep your natural hair in good condition. First gather your own hair and the hair extensions together at the nape of your neck Then, carefully brush out the extensions starting with the hair below the nape of your neck and then slowly working upwards towards the root. If you come across a particularly pesky knot, take out the individual weft and brush it through gently before reapplying.
Avoid brushing your extensions whilst they’re wet; hair is more fragile when it has absorbed moisture and is prone to breakage. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb to gently untangle the hair starting at the ends and working your way up to the root.
Check out our range of Tangle Teezers that are perfect for the job!
3. Washing your hair extensions
When washing your extensions, it’s important you hydrate them as much as possible. Since hair extensions don’t receive the natural nutrients and oils like our own hair does, it’s important to ensure that your set is always nourished and moisturized by using shampoos and conditioners free of sulphates and sodium chloride. Sulphate, alcohol and sodium chloride can all strip the hair of its natural oils which, in turn, makes the hair drier and more prone to tangling or matting. We recommend applying a conditioner before and after shampooing. Sometimes, even skip the shampoo and only co-wash your extensions with conditioner! When washing, make sure to rinse the extensions gently and to not rub them vigorously. Always be sure to rinse the extensions in cold water at the end to lock in moisture. After you are finished, carefully squeeze any excess water from the extensions and make sure that you never rub your extensions dry with a towel, instead pat them.

Retailing at £12, we have found a great option for those on a budget, especially for how often your hair extensions will be washed, which isn’t that often. In fact, you should only wash your hair extensions once every 25-30 wears, or when there is too much product build up to the point that they become unmanageable.
4. Drying your hair extensions
We don’t recommend blow-drying your extensions after every wash as doing this constantly will make them dry and more vulnerable to breakage. If you must blow-dry your extensions, be sure to use a heat protectant spray prior to blow-drying to extend the lifespan of your hair extensions. If you need to use your extensions immediately after washing them, the most important thing is to ensure that you are blow drying on a cool setting to prevent any heat damage and that you don’t brush the hair until it is 90% dry. This is because the hair is at its weakest point when it’s wet. Instead, use your fingers to gently loosen any tangles.
When blow-drying, start by focusing on drying the root of the weft first and then working your way down to the ends. Always blow-dry downwards as this will help to not only smooth the cuticle but it will also prevent the hair from getting tangles because it is being blown in lots of different directions.

The Easiweft is a revolutionary clip-in hair extension accessory that enables you to dry, style and store your hair with ease! It minimises knotting and tangling, prolongs the life of extensions and gives you the ideal place for storing when your hair is not being worn!

Do not apply excessive heat when styling with a dryer, straighteners or other styling tools - this burns the hair, causes split ends and fades the colour. 180C is the highest temperature that you should use any styling tools at. Have a look at our range of hair extension friendly Babyliss styling tools.
5. What to avoid
You should avoid exposure to harsh sunlight by using a hair SPF or covering the hair when in direct sunlight. Also avoid contact with chlorine and salt water as these can affect the condition and colour of the hair.
One final tip is to avoid leaving them on the bedroom floor or dressing table when not in use. The use of an affordable and simple Hair Hanger will ensure your extensions are kept neat, free from dust and tangle free when you are not using them. Hair Rehab London sell a Hair Hanger and Carrier for just £17.99.

It features a transparent zip up closure and can hold extensions and pieces up to 22 inches long. The Hair Rehab London Hair Hanger is ideal when washing and cleaning your Hair Rehab London Hair Extensions. It also allows you to easily air dry or blow dry your extensions, by securing within the 9" by 1" clamp.
There’s no two ways about it, wearing Hair Extensions is a commitment if you want to keep them looking healthy and soft. But by following these tips and tricks and with a good routine, you can wear your extensions for months on end and enjoy fuller, thicker, and healthier-looking locks.